Bodyworx Fitness Equipment

Australia's best range of BodyWorx fitness equipment can be found right here at Fitonline.

We ship Bodyworx treadmillsBodyworx exercise bikesBodyworx elliptical trainers, and Bodyworx rowing machines to all parts of Australia through our network of stores and warehouses.

Bodyworx (not spelt Bodyworks!) is a brand of GPI Fitness, one of Australia's largest and most trusted accessories manufacturers and importers. GPI Sports and Fitness offer a range of global brands from Taiwan, China, Canada and the USA, and their automotive accessories division has been operating in Australia for decades. giving the group strength and breadth.

GPI has an industry-leading warranty backed by a national network of service technicians, and this comes with all products, assuring peace of mind at for your purchase.

For Bodyworx exercise equipment in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Perth, and all locations in-between, you've come to the right place!


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bodyworx fitness equipment