Fitonline Coupon Codes
At Fitonline, we only use Coupon Codes for one-off, customer-specific purposes, such as splitting payment between 2 cards or honoring an upgrade price for a customer. (Some sites call these "discount codes" or "promotion codes")
So unfortunately, there are no permanent coupon codes for Fitonline products. Since we are the ones to issue them, we can confidently say that you won't find a valid or current coupon code anywhere on the web.
How to use your current coupon code...
If you do have a one-off coupon code issued by our staff, you enter it in the shopping cart (just below the red "calculate shipping" button). You will see text "add coupon" that looks like this...
If your coupon entitles you to free freight, then the freight charge you just saw (on the previous screen) will be removed when you enter the coupon code.
Either way, your coupon will be applied prior to you going to the payment screen.
Do you want a coupon code yourself?
Sorry - see the first answer. These are pretty rare, since Fitonline's prices are already heavily discounted, and our freight rates are normally well below market rates.
In other words, you've already got the best deal going!